1 Supermarket Trip, 3 Easy Salad Ideas!

Ingredients below
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Never knew which salad leaves to go with which? Or if fruits should go into salads or remain on a platter? This video covers it all with 3 salad ideas to get some greens into our diets:
1 Smoked Duck Pomegranate Salad
2 Roast Chicken Garden Salad
3 Air Fried Vegetable Salad

The best part is that all the recipes require just one trip to the supermarket - get your cooked meats from the deli and veggies, cut, toss and serve.

Ingredients here
[ Smoked Duck Pomegranate Salad ]
1 Smoked duck breast
100g Pomegranate
2 Oranges (cut supremes)
50g Arugula
50g Baby spinach
2 small Red onion (thinly sliced)
50g Cashew nuts

Hoisin dressing:
2 tbsp Hoisin sauce
tsp Apple cider vinegar
Juice from a lemon
1 tsp Fish sauce
3 tbsp Olive oil
tsp Black pepper
Full recipe: https://themeatmen.sg/smoked-duck-pomegranate-salad/

[ Roast Chicken Garden Salad ]
200g Lettuce
1 Roast chicken
2 slices Bread
2 tbsp Olive oil
tsp Salt
100g Cherry tomatoes
Sesame dressing
Lemon juice
Full recipe: https://themeatmen.sg/roast-chicken-garden-salad/

[ Air Fried Vegetable Salad ]
2 Broccoli (cut individual flower heads)
2 Carrots (sliced into strips)
2 Yellow Bell peppers (cut into cubes)
2 Onions (cut into quarters)
cut into quartersOlive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh mint

Yoghurt dressing:
4 tbsp Yoghurt
1 Olive oil
Juice from a Lemon
tsp Salt
tsp Black Pepper
tsp Dijon mustard
tbsp Honey
Full recipe: https://themeatmen.sg/air-fried-vegetable-salad/

P.S. Weve got recipes for all your Singaporean and Asian favourites on our channel. Hit subscribe and share them with your friends.

P.P.S. Cant find a recipe you like? Drop us a comment or ping us on our socials.






0:00 Easy summer salads!
0:19 1 Smoked Duck Pomegranate Salad
1:45 2 Roast Chicken Garden Salad
2:43 3 Air Fried Vegetable Salad
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