Tomato and Caper Green Pea Fusilli | Cooking with Napolina

Our Gluten Free Organic Green Pea Fusilli is delicious in this simple but flavoursome Tomato and Caper Fusilli recipe. Make a big batch and enjoy the leftovers as a pasta salad for lunch the next day.

250g Napolina Green Pea Fusilli
2 tbsp Napolina Olive Oil
25g salted butter
2 tbsp capers
Small punnet of cherry tomatoes, halved
50g black olives, roughly chopped
Small bunch of parsley, roughly chopped
Salt & pepper

Bring a pan of slightly salted water to the boil, add the Napolina Green Pea Fusilli and cook according to the pack instructions.
5 minutes before the pasta is cooked, place a deep frying pan on medium to high heat and add the Napolina Olive Oil and butter.
Once the butter and oil is foaming, add the capers, olives and cherry tomatoes. Toss to coat and leave to fry for 1-2 minutes.
Using a slotted spoon, transfer the pasta from the water to the frying pan and toss to coat. Add a little more pasta water to the pan if needed. (The pasta water will emulsify with the butter and create a thin sauce).
Stir in the parsley and season to taste.

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