Top 5 Favourite Nutritious Breastfeeding Snacks

Although I had 3 completely different experiences with breastfeeding, theres one thing--across the board-- that was essential to my breastfeeding successproper nutrition!

Now, you may think this would be a no-brainer for me, being a dietitian and all, but when youre sleep deprived and emotionally and physically drained, your brain isnt performing so well. So for all of you sleep-deprived b-feeding mommas out there, Ive got your back!

First of all, its important to keep a few things top of mind when choosing nutritious snacks while you're breastfeeding...

-Youll likely be hungrier than normal when youre breastfeeding, so its important to listen to your body and eat accordingly. I found it helpful to make sure that I had snacks in between meals and that they were filling and nutritious, which means that they contain some protein, dietary fat, and fibre as well as vitamins and minerals.

-Snacks need to be easy to make and or grab

-AND They need to be portable and eaten with one hand only
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