My top Secret to Taking the Guilt Out of Dinnertime (and still ensuring that my kids eat healthfully

Youve just come home from a long day of work, knowing that youre solo-parenting your three young kids for the night, and you dont have dinner planned. The kids are hungry (read: hangry), youre exhausted, and the thought of cooking makes you want to crawl into a hole and hide. I know this feeling all too well because its my life. And I hate to admit this (because Im a pediatric dietitian who knows better), but sometimes I feel a tremendous amount of guilt and even a sense of failure knowing that my one or more of my kids will probably refuse to eat what I manage to throw together at the last minute.

Being a parent is HARD and feeding kids is one of the most challenging parts.

I know Im not alone here, because according to a recent poll by Catelli, a quarter of Canadian Parents feel guilty that they dont know how or what to prepare as a healthy meal for their kids. And almost HALF of parents say their kids refuse to eat the food theyve served at least once a week. Rest assured fellow parentsthis feeding expert feels your pain. Youre not alone!

But Ive decided to stop feeling guilty about not being the perfect parent and having every meal planned and organized, ready to throw into the oven when I arrive home, or simmering in the slow cooker. Im a real mom just like you. And real feels good!

Heck, I give myself a pat on the back for small wins like including a vegetable on the table, or choosing whole grain pasta instead of white. As a dietitian, I love Catellis new Ancient Grains pasta because *finally* theres a pasta that is actually made from whole, ancient grains and loaded full of fibre and nutrition (and that my kids actually eat and love!). I definitely consider this a win!

Besides celebrating the small dinnertime wins, I have a few secrets to success, that not only save my sanity, but give me the peace of mind knowing that my kids are getting what they need nutrition-wise. Check out
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