Totoro Cream Puffs - Incredible! | Japanese Eats

Shirohige's Cream Puff Factory - if you love cream puffs, you must visit. If you are a Totoro fan, you really must visit.

Nestled within a sweet looking cottage like house, Shirohige’s Cream Puff Shop has a take-away counter on the first floor and some alfresco sitting. The second floor belongs to a cafe space named Toro Cafe where lovely cafe food is served. The cafe also allows diners to take orders and eat the Totoro Cream Puffs from Shirohige’s Cream Puff Shop.

The cream puffs were nicely chilled and the exterior was crisp with generous amounts of fillings inside. The ingredients used in the custard provided just the right amount of natural, delicate flavor to match the overall appearance. There are regular and seasonal flavors:

Custard and fresh cream (all seasons)
Strawberry Cream (January to June)
Peach Cream (July to September)
Marron & Marron cream (October to December)
Chocolate cream (all seasons)
Caramel banana cream (January to April)
Matcha cream (May to August)
Raspberry and cream cheese (September to December)


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