Trick Recipes: Faux Pancakes Souffle cake なんちゃってホットケーキ 冷蔵庫開けて「ホットケーキ?」「違うよん、スフレだよん」な作り置きレシピです | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

#TrickRecipes #なんちゃって #ホットケーキ #スフレ #音フェチ
We tried making a "faux hotcake" by heating souffle cake dough in a frying pan. With whipped butter inside and plenty of maple syrup added when you eat it, it's unbearably good! You can make it in advance and keep it in the fridge. Try it for parties or as a little surprise!
*Recipe* (Diameter: 10 cm)
1. Put in 2 egg yolks, 15g milk, 60g plain yogurt, and 30g cake flour, mixing each time.
2. After lightly whipping the egg yolks, add 20g of sugar 1/2 at a time, making a strong meringue.
3. Add #2 to #1, 1/2 at a time, and mix. Make sure not to destroy the foaminess.
4. Add 10g of melted, unsalted butter and vanilla extract. Gently mix.
5. Dissolve butter in a heated frying pan.
6. Bring to a low simmer.
7. Add #4 to #6, 1/4 at a time.
8. While watching it, fry it for about 10 mins.
9. Flip it over and keep watch for another ~10 mins.
10. Let cool.
11. Whip 50g of cream.
12. Add 25g of room temperature butter and lightly mix.
13. Hollow out the centers (3 cm in diameter) of the cakes from #10.
14. Fill them with #12.
15. Done. Add maple syrup when eating them. Lots of it.

The meringue in the dough will lose its foaminess over time, so it's best to do all four at the same time. Maybe use two frying pans, or if you have a hotplate that will be useful.
If you can cover the pan with a lid, that will make the cakes cook faster.
The dough is soft, so flip it over once the side is browned.
Cooling them in the fridge will make them easier to smoothly cut.

スフレケーキの生地をフライパンで焼いて“なんちゃってホットケーキ”にしてみました。中にホイップバターを仕込んで、食べる時にメイプルシロップをたっぷりかけると、もう たまらんのです。冷蔵庫で保存、作り置きできるので、パーティーやちょっとしたサプライズにどーぞ。

1.卵黄 2個分、牛乳 15g、プレーンヨーグルト 60g、薄力粉 30gを入れ、その都度 混ぜる。
2.卵白 2個分を軽く泡立てた後、砂糖 20gを2回に分けて入れ、強いメレンゲを作る。
4.溶かし無塩バター 10gとバニラエッセンスを加え、やさしく混ぜる。
11.生クリーム 50gを泡立てる。
12.室温に戻しておいた、バター 25gを入れ軽く混ぜる。

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