Turkish Coffee Kernels Preparation Of Traditional Cooking And Presentation Style

I will introduce you to turkish coffee on this video
Turkish coffee making and how it is cooked and how to make a presentation in this videos I will talk about the benefits and losses of the cabbage , There has not been much change in the daily turkish kahves of the ottoman period
I visited the most famous coffee maker in town I lived for you, and I shot , I see the difference between raw coffee beans and roasted coffee beans
, Firstly raw coffee beans need to be roasted for about ten minutes , This big machine has a spinning hot body
Ten kilograms of coffee beans are roasted for about ten minutes at about a hundred.
I show the parts showing the temperature and the duration of the machine
Gas and electric machine never stop working and roasting coffee beans
I show the part where the machine's pod and the unused coffee bran are deposited
Fresh coffee beans are always prepared in the same way
Checking the status of coffee beans
This boiler-like pouring into the revolving hot kahveler
It works as a cooler
The cooling of the coffee beans is immediately chilled to prevent
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After the seeds have cooled down, this machine goes into grinding process
Doctors say drinking coffee twice a day is healthy
The greatest feature of turkish coffee is the preparation of the nuclei without entering the chemical reaction
Turkish coffee is totally natural in a nutshell, the cores are not inflated and the benefits are getting bigger
There is a moraine, a strengthening immune system and a protective effect against diseases.
It is effective against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and the odor is good for headache.
Avoids the desire to eat sweet, keeps it full when it is milked
Accelerate metabolism, accelerate blood circulation in the brain
The effects on the weight loss of the calf are quite extensive and it is advisable to consume before the spore
Coffee grilled turkish coffee as you see no big hazelnuts in case of dust
Enters the packaging process and is added to double-layer paper packages
Sold at a price of one hundred grams a dollar, enough for ten cups of coffee
If you consume more than three cups a day, your blood pressure can increase blood pressure
If there is a rhythm problem in the heart, it can trigger a pulse
When you drink too much, the bone can cause erimes,
When you drink coffee with cream, you get your calorie body as much as you eat a big hamburger
I will now show you how to cook two cups of Turkish coffee
Covered cups, copper coffee pots, delightful delight chocolate and water are needed
I need to cook coffee as a measure
Add a small spoon for a small cup
Sugar is added as you wish and the healthiest is the plain one
Be careful that the coffee made water is of good quality and cold water
Water is added by measuring with a glass
The powder is stored in such a way that when the work of the cup is finished,
Coffee is the enemy of oxygen and stays easy when in contact with air
The coffee packaging consists of two layers of paper in the glass jar, you can keep it, you can keep the bag in an unhealthy decision
Slow boiling of the cabbage is important high fire is not used
Hot division for cups heating
The resulting foam is taken in advance and added to cups
When it reaches the boiling point it is immediately removed from the fire
If it is boiled too much, the taste becomes worse
The kahveler is ready and added to the cups, served with water and sweet treats
I want to point out that coffee is brewing in these arabic regions
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