Be a Victor, Not a Victim: Control Your Own Happiness HPC: E71

"If only this would change, then I'd be happier..."

Ever found yourself thinking that and getting stuck in the "grass is greener" syndrome?

Turns out only 10% of your happiness is based on what's happening in your life.


That's good news though, because even without changing our situation (toddler tantrums over the wrong color shirt, whack-a-mole 6-year-olds who won't stay in bed at night, a floor that constantly needs to be swept or a tween who is being bullied at school) -- we CAN change our Happiness Set Point!!!

Meet Margie Bissinger, a physical therapist who discovered that teaching happiness habits to her patients in chronic pain actually improved more than just their grumpy conversations.

You've heard from her before in this fascinating posture interview that has changed my family for the better:

Now Margie is back to instruct us on the basic pillars of happiness and how it affects our health and our families.

I love how the mind is at the foundation of it all, and even if you feel like you're just wired for negativity (newsflash: all humans are in their brains), you can STILL make changes that help you tend toward more positive thoughts!

How happy are you already? Find out with this quiz:

Learn how to be a victor, not a victim, and watch as I accidentally demonstrate a terrible way to hear a challenge! Ha! We also talk about how to take compliments in a healthy way, the purpose of a gratitude journal, and a game you can play with your kids and family that just may change the way they grow up seeing the world.

"Victims experience shame, blame and complain..." and they don't need to! It's time to figure out how to absorb the good, and I know you'll hear something (or a few somethings) in Margie's stories and practical tips that you NEED today.

And she brought gifts! Grab Margie's 7-minute Happiness Morning Meditation and 7-Day Happiness Habits Journal and choose ONE to try today (no overwhelm allowed):

Get her support in changing your habits through her Happy Me, Happy Life course:

Other Resources:
My interview with KJ Del'Antonio on being a happier parent:
Andrew's Angry Words by Dorothea Lachner:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at
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