Why Posture will Change Your Life with a Physical Therapist and Bone Health Expert HPC: E27

Tech neck? Text neck?

Whatever we call it, we can't deny that we spend WAY too much time looking down these days! Alarmingly, it's changing the shape of our spine. :o

My guest today is a physical therapist and integrative health coach who believes bone health starts with good posture, and I am so honored to have gotten all this practical advice from Margie Bissinger! When I first heard her speak, I was texting my mom all sorts of notes about bone health, and after today's interview, we started making little changes in our own family to improve our posture. Start young before bad habits kick in!

In this video we talk about:

* Why posture is important - it impacts how you feel in your body, and, believe it or not, mentally as well!
* The 3 curves of the spine that are necessary for alignment (and how we stretch them the wrong way)
* What we learn from 85-year-old women in Japan (that toddlers already "get" and then forget as we put them in chairs!)
* What to do about backpacks and the safest way to cross our legs while sitting
* Kitchen posture - how to stand, height of the counter, what part of your body to engage while practicing safe knife skills with your kids
* Why laptops will never promote good posture
* How to use a towel to encourage good posture and a SUPER simple exercise everyone in the family should do a few times a day to train the correct position of the spine
* The evil called chairs and how to overcome the temptation to slouch

You guys - this is one of the most practical interviews yet! We MUST start believing that posture is a pillar of health, and if we're feeding our families healthy food, getting enough sleep, moving our bodies and avoiding toxins, we need to spend a few moments on posture too or we still may end up in pain at the end of the day.

Get those FREE videos from Margie that you can use to improve your posture with simple exercises for the whole family: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/HappyBonesImprovePosture

We put them on the big TV and practiced all together after dinner, and I put reminders in my phone to "wake up" the muscles Margie says we have taught to be weak!

You can find our more about Margie on her website www.margiebissinger.com and check out her course as well at https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/HappyBonesProgram

Other Resources:
* Happy Bones Happy Life - Quiz to Webinar: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/HappyBonesQuiz

* Happy Bones Happy Life - Osteoporosis and Exercise Master Class: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/HappyBonesMasterClass

* Happy Bones Happy Life - The Keys to Stronger Bones Naturally Webinar: https://www.kitchenstewardship.com/HappyBonesWebinar

Exercise ball chair with back: https://amzn.to/2EnK99V

Margie Bissinger, MS, PT, CHC is a physical therapist and integrative health coach. She merges her expertise in both disciplines to assist her clients in a comprehensive approach to their health through whole foods, exercise, and mind-body relaxation techniques. She conducts training programs on a wide range of topics, including osteoporosis, happiness, digestion, relaxation techniques, and ergonomics.

Margie is the author of Osteoporosis: An Exercise Guide. She is the creator of Move Today, a New Jersey statewide exercise program and Happy Bones, Happy Life online program for people to prevent and treat osteoporosis and osteopenia.

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
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