
Ovenly's Secretly Vegan Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies | Genius Recipes | Food52

This isn't just genius for a vegan chocolate chip cookie or in spite of it. This cookie, from Ovenly founders Agatha Kulaga and Erin Patinkin, can res...

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Charlotte Druckman

Charlotte Druckman's Olive (Oil) Cake | Genius Recipes | Food52

This is a flawless, crisp-chewy, endlessly malleable olive oil cake whose batter takes all of 10 minutes to stir together. But the real genius comes f...

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Sunset Magazine

Sunset Magazine's Whole Orange Cake | Genius Recipes | Food52

In this spunky whole orange cake, you blitz fresh chunks of orange--skin, pith, and juicy flesh--in the food processor 'til only tiny flecks of skin r...

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Marcella Hazan

Marcella Hazan's Croccante | Genius Recipes | Food52

Though Marcella Hazan's croccante (or Italian brittle) looks like a snappy toffee made by an experienced pastry chef, its sole ingredients are sugar a...

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Richard Sax

Richard Sax's Chocolate Cloud Cake | Genius Recipes | Food52

Richard Sax's poofy soufflé of a chocolate cake intentionally caves in the center, leaving a craggy, wafer-like rim behind and a mousse-y hollow that...

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Todd Richards

Todd Richards' Hot Water Cornbread | Genius Recipes | Food52

In Todd Richards' genius cornbread, hot water acts as a fast-forward button, hydrating the cornmeal so that these mini cornbreads can finish cooking a...

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Meta Givens

Meta Givens' Pumpkin Pie | Genius Recipes | Food52

Caramelizing the pumpkin puree means that this is a pumpkin pie with guts, one that won't just sit there phoning in the pumpkin flavor, burying it und...

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Nik Sharma

Nik Sharma's Spicy Chocolate Chip Hazelnut Cookies | Genius Recipes | Food52

This chocolate chip cookie recipe began with Nik Sharma's affection for Nutella—which he discovered after moving from Bombay to Cincinnati for grad sc...

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Kristen Miglore On Her Favorite Dansk Butter Warmer | Food52

Kristen Miglore On Her Favorite Dansk Butter Warmer | Food52

Our resident Genius, Kristen Miglore, shares why she loves the Dansk butter warmer and why she turned to it time and again while testing recipes for "...

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Lindsay-Jean Hard

Lindsay-Jean Hard's Banana Peel Cake | Genius Recipes | Food52

What looks like a banana cake, tastes like a banana cake, has the same ingredients as a banana cake—but turns out lighter and bouncier? Lindsay-Jean H...

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