QuickBites : Another short trip to Batam part 2. Lengkuas, a place for a damn good fish soup

QuickBites : Another short trip to Batam part 2. Lengkuas, a place for a damn good fish soup

Welcome to another QuickBites food adventure with Getting Loss. Before we leave Batam, I though I should bring you to another find I found in Batam. T...

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QuickBites : Another short trip to Batam. Bebek Tepi Sawah and Ayam Taliwang

QuickBites : Another short trip to Batam. Bebek Tepi Sawah and Ayam Taliwang

Welcome to another QuickBites food adventure with Getting Loss. We are having another short trip to Batam, the little island 30mins by ferry from Sing...

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