
Auckland's secret food suburb | Hand pulled noodle master & traditional Malaysian food | Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena

We partnered with the Northcote Town Centre Business Association to bring you this content. All restaurants featured were chosen by us. We’re doing ...

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STREET FOOD around the world in AUCKLAND | Malaysian street food + Chinese noodles + Mexican TORTA | Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena

STREET FOOD around the world in AUCKLAND | Malaysian street food + Chinese noodles + Mexican TORTA | Chasing a Plate - Thomas & Sheena

Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland has a multi-cultural food scene like nowhere else in New Zealand. Over the next few weeks we’re taking you on a round the wor...

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外国小哥坐18小时绿皮车,寻找正宗的兰州拉面? | 夏波波Brian

外国小哥坐18小时绿皮车,寻找正宗的兰州拉面? | 夏波波Brian

哈喽大家好,又是想在41岁前吃遍中国所有的美食的夏波波! 不知道你们有没有发现:在中国无论哪一个城市,哪一个区,哪一条街,到处都有“兰州拉面店”!你肯定吃过兰州拉面,但是...你吃过在兰州的兰州拉面吗?兰州...有拉面吗? 我今天来解决这个问题! 我要坐18个小时的绿皮车去寻找兰州最地道的拉面!你说...

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Aaron's China Guide E27 - 兰州牛肉面 - Lanzhou noodles with beef | Aaron Sawich

Aaron's China Guide is doing another theme month about food at Muslim restaurants in China. Their signature dish is Lanzhou niu rou mian 兰州牛肉面 which ...

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Beijing Street Food - Lanzhou Beef Hand Pulled Noodles | Travel Thirsty

Beijing Street Food - Lanzhou Beef Hand Pulled Noodles | Travel Thirsty

Lanzhou, China style hand-pulled beef noodles in broth topped with hot chili oil and spring onions.

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