Garlic Chili Chicken, a Thai Fusion

Garlic Chili Chicken, a Thai Fusion

Beautifully glazed, garlic, charred chicken thighs, with a hit of heat! You may call this fusion food as its not traditionally Thai, as it has a west...

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White fish in Creamy White Wine and Shallot Sauce

White fish in Creamy White Wine and Shallot Sauce

A beautiful dish that you will find in fine dining restaurants. Now, you can make it at home. Best part, its very simple to make and uses few basic in...

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Smoky Bell Pepper Chili Chicken

Smoky Bell Pepper Chili Chicken

A delicious BBQ style chili chicken recipe made with a smoky bell pepper or capsicum chili based sauce. Made using one roasting pan and a blender. I...

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10 Minute Healthy Meal with Beans, Tomato and Crusty Bread

10 Minute Healthy Meal with Beans, Tomato and Crusty Bread

The fastest healthiest meal you can cook in 10 minutes! If you need to stock up for quarantine, then go for these dry stock items. If not, they are ...

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15 minute Crispy Salami and Olive, Tomato Pasta

15 minute Crispy Salami and Olive, Tomato Pasta

A simple, delicious, and quick pasta meal. Made with salami, sundried tomatoes, olives and white wine using penne pasta. The salami is first fried in...

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Garlic Grilled chicken, Greek Style!

Garlic Grilled chicken, Greek Style!

Simple to make, garlic grilled chicken recipe. This one is Greek style with lemon, herbs and garlic served with a yogurt dip. If you have time, mar...

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Mediterranean Baked White Fish in Tomato Sauce

Mediterranean Baked White Fish in Tomato Sauce

A simple and healthy Mediterranean dish you can make in 35 minutes. The sour dough bread is crunchy on top and also soaks up the sauce on the bottom....

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The mushroom recipe you love so much is here! Fricassee de champignons, with herbs and garlic

The mushroom recipe you love so much is here! Fricassee de champignons, with herbs and garlic

Fricassee de champignons. These will be the tastiest mushrooms you will ever taste. Browned in butter, with garlic, herbs and Marsala wine. A great si...

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Lemon Pepper Pasta Shrimp in Buttery Sauce

Lemon Pepper Pasta Shrimp in Buttery Sauce

A very simple, pasta dish made in 20 minutes. Its the simplicity of these ingredients that make this amazing. Sure you could add more herbs, spices,...

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Eggplant Caponata, a Sweet & Sour Vegetable Stew

Eggplant Caponata, a Sweet & Sour Vegetable Stew

Eggplant Caponata is a Sicilian style of ratatouille with an intense jammy flavour. What makes this uniquely different is the sweet and sour flavours...

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