Ekadashi Jeera Aloo Fasting Recipe   FoodFood

Ekadashi Jeera Aloo Fasting Recipe FoodFood

Ekadashi Jeera Aloo is a delicious and flavorful Indian dish that is commonly prepared and enjoyed on Ekadashi, a sacred day in the Hindu calendar kno...

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             Navratri Special: Kuttu Ke Atte Ki Puri

Navratri Special: Kuttu Ke Atte Ki Puri

Kuttu Ke Atte Ki Puri, also known as Buckwheat Flour Puris, is a popular and delectable Indian dish commonly enjoyed during fasting periods, especiall...

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            Ratalu Sabudana Ki Tikki   Food Food

Ratalu Sabudana Ki Tikki Food Food

Ratalu Sabudane ki Tikki is a mouthwatering Indian snack that combines the earthy flavors of purple yam (ratalu) which is also called sweet potato wit...

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