Claypot Tofu -

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As opposed to a furiously sizzling hot plate, a claypot is believed to be able to retain heat and keep food bubbling hot while also retaining the flavours. The key is to use square pressed tofu that can retain its shape after frying.

The neutral tasting tofu, when braised together with roast pork belly and assorted vegetables and soy sauce, tend to soak up all the wonderful flavours like a sponge. This taste definitely deserves to take center-stage!

This dish is best served piping-hot. The scrumptious pot of tofu, pork belly and vegetables is truly a one pot wonder which the whole family can enjoy together at the dinner table!

*Tip* pork belly can be replaced by other meats or even seafood too.

#themeatmensg #zichar #claypot #tofu #scrumptious #onepotwonder

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