Easy Open-Faced Enchilada Quesadillas

Super Easy Open-Faced Enchilada Quesadillas

In honour of Cinco De Mayo, my daughter Lylah and I have decided to make open-faced Enchilada Quesadillas. They sound complicated, but theyre really simple (and really yummy!). Think make-your-own think crust pizzas, only with a yummy Mexican twist!

We love family-style mealsnot only because theyre super easy, but also because it gets my kids involved they get excited about building their own dish, and feel as though they have some control over their meal (even though ultimately, I still have control over whats served!). See, as parents, its our responsibility to provide a balanced meal with nutritious ingredients, but it should be 100% up to our kids as to whether they eat it, which foods out of the meal they eat, and how much. So, this takes the pressure off of everyone, and makes it much more likely that our kids will actually eat!

To make these, you toast mini whole wheat tortilla shells in the oven (you just brush with some butter first), and then lay out all of the ingredients on the table for everyone to choose from!

Youll need flour tortillas, melted butter, enchilada sauce, diced bell peppers, onion, baby tomatoes, chicken or shrimp, Monterey Jack cheese, and then garnishes and dips like cilantro, sour cream, salsa, guacamole.

I like to saute the vegetables first, and then get my kids to brush their tortillas on the enchilada sauce. Then its the fun part getting to choose their favourite toppings, before baking for about 6 minutes, until crispy and golden brown.

Lets be honest, my kids favourite part is sprinkling the cheese on at the end and sneaking some in the process! Cheese not only makes this dish extra delicious, but it also adds protein, calcium, magnesium, and many other nutrients that are important for health. So, of course we add extra!

To view the full recipe, check out Alberta Milks Easy. Tasty, Healthy blog!

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