EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Master Sushi Chef Hiro Terada Interviewed for Cable TV.

Meet Master Sushi Chef Hiro Terada up close and personal as he gives a very casual and up close interview on what he's working on when he applies his knowledge of sushi with the cuisine of Jamaica! This isn't done anywhere else so just remember where you saw it first. The full video is currently shown on European channels and will eventually come to the United States, so until then, we're not able to upload the entire interview.

NoVe Kitchen & Bar
1750 N. Bayshore Drive
Miami, FL 33132
phone: 305-577-8200
facebook: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
instagram: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
twitter: NoVe Kitchen and Bar
website: www.novekitchen.com
email: [email protected]
Menu: http://www.novesushimiami.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NoVe-Menu-Winter-Spring-2014.pdf
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