イタリアンプリン Italian Crème Caramel in Japanese convenience stores | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

*レシピ*(お好みの型 もしくは500mlの牛乳パック 1個分)
1.小鍋に水 小さじ 1、グラニュー糖 40gを入れ中火にかける。
2.お好みのカラメル色の一歩手前で火を止め、熱湯 小さじ 1を加える。ハネるのでやけどに注意してください。
4.鍋に砂糖 60g、牛乳 80g、生クリーム 155gを入れ火にかけ、砂糖が溶けたら火から下ろす。沸騰させない。
5.ボウルに室温に戻したクリームチーズ 80gを柔らかくする。
6.全卵 2個と卵黄 1個を溶く。
8.コーンスターチ 8gを入れ混ぜる。
10.バニラオイル 数滴 加え混ぜる。

#イタリアンプリン #コンビニ #牛乳パック

You can buy Italian crème caramel at the convenience store for a bit of a high price.

Perfect for when you want more than just one slice! It can even be made with a milk carton and in a pot and not the oven!

This is the joy of being able to eat a lot. We wish we could share it with you too.

*Recipe* (Your favorite shape or one 500 mL milk carton)

Make caramel

1. Pour 1 teaspoon of water and 40 g of granulated sugar in a small pot and put it over medium heat.
2. Turn off the heat just before it turns into the caramel color that you would like and add 1 teaspoon of hot water. Please be careful not to burn yourself, because it may splash.
3. Mix the caramel and liquid crème caramel and pour (2) into a mold (or milk carton) that fits about 470 mL. Cool it in the refrigerator.

Make the liquid crème caramel

4. Pour 60 g of sugar, 80 g of milk, and 155 g of cream in a pot and heat it. Remove it from heat when the sugar melts. Do not allow it to boil.
5. Soften 80 g of cream cheese at room temperature in a bowl.
6. Beat 2 eggs and 1 egg yolk.
7. Add (6) to (5) a little bit at a time and stir each time.
8. Add 8g of corn starch and stir.
9. Add (4) once it has cooled to (8) and stir.
10. Add several drops of vanilla oil and stir.
11. Add (3) once the caramel has hardened to (10) while straining it with a sieve.
12. Cover it with aluminum foil (use a clip to secure a milk carton) and place it inside hot water that has been boiled at about 80℃ in a pot. Make sure that there is plenty of hot water, but the mold does not float. The milk carton was submerged about 8.5 cm.
13. Heat it for 25-30 minutes with a cover on while keeping the temperature of the water around 80℃ with low heat. I messed up by opening and closing the cover many times because it lowered the temperature inside the pot, preventing hardening.
14. If the surface has hardened, remove it from heat and let it cool a bit.
15. Cool it thoroughly in the refrigerator.
16. Done. Yeah, this is not crème caramel, it's cheesecake!

#flan #pudim
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