Maguro Zuke Don (Soy-marinated Tuna Bowl) | Umami Insider

- 20 pieces Tuna (Sashimi Grade)
- 2 portion Sushi Rice
- Nori Seaweed
- Wasabi (
- Scallions
- Sesame Seeds

- 2 Tbsp Soy Sauce (
- 2 Tbsp Mirin (
- 4 Tbsp Sake (
- 4 Tbsp Dashi Broth

1. Wipe off any liquid from the surface of tuna using paper towels.
2. Mix all of the ingredients of the seasoning in a small pot. Heat over high heat and stop the heat right before it boils.
3. On a large tray or plate, spread the soy sauce mixture using a cooking brush. Use about 1/3 of the mixture.
4. Carefully place tuna slices over soy sauce mixture.
5. Brush the rest of the soy sauce mixture on top of the tuna slices. Try to keep about 1/3 of the soy sauce mixture for later use. If not enough, make the seasoning again while you rest the tuna.
6. Cover and marinate in the fridge for about 4 hours. Make sure to at least marinate for 2 hours.
7. In a serving bowl, place sushi rice. Thinly cut nori seaweed with scissors and place on top of the rice. Using a cooking brush, pour a bit of soy sauce mixture on top of the rice.
8. Place tuna slices on top and brush the remaining soy sauce mixture on top of the tuna slices.
9. Garnish with scallions, sesame seeds, and wasabi. Enjoy!
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