Mentaiko Pasta - Spicy Cod Roe Pasta - Cooking Japanese

Mentaiko pasta is a very popular dish in Japanese cuisine. You will find it in many pasta restaurants as well as in grocery stores where you can buy an instant packaged version of it. But it is so easy to make from fresh ingredients that as long as you can find mentaiko you should definitely make it fresh.

Mentaiko is spicy cod roe. But don't be thrown off by the spicy part. The spice is barely noticeable if at all once it is part of the cream sauce in this recipe. You can find mentaiko at most Japanese or asian grocery stores. Unfortunately there really isn't a substitute for mentaiko that i can think of.

The creamy flavor and smooth texture of mentaiko pasta is so pleasing to taste. It's no wonder that it is becomming one of the most popular pasta dishes in Japan.

I hope you have the opportunity to try and make Mentaiko pasta. I really do think that you will love it!

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Cutting Board: Jeremy Vessels

Pottery: NBC Pottery
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