Miso Glazed Eggplant + Japanese Style Pasta with Shiso + Live Japanese Cooking 2018

Japanese eggplant is one of my favorite vegetables. It has a mild flavor and is a good vehicle for any sauce you put on it. Today, we're cooking it with miso and a little bit of dashi. Both of which will add plenty of flavor. Will throw in some shiso to keep things fresh and light.

Learn how to cook Seasonal Japanese food, one recipe and video at a time. Subscribe for new videos posted each Wednesday!

We'll also be making a Japanese style pasta using mentsuyu. If you missed my mentsuyu recipe, there's a link to the recipe and video below. It's the same one we'll be using today. This is a pretty straightforward pasta that you can use as a base and add additional things like avocado and tuna. What I like about this pasta is that it's quite light and refreshing, with the tomato and shiso and a little bit of nuttiness provided by the sesame seeds.

Question of the day: What's your favorite way to eat shiso?

The pasta actually tastes quite good cold as well, eating it cold with shiso could be your perfect meal on a warm summer day!

Rustichella pasta

Garlic press

1. Japanese Eggplant with Miso Glaze
:::: Ingredients::::
6 Japanese eggplants
7-10 shiso leaves, sliced into strips
3 Tbsp white miso paste
1/4 C mirin
a few drops of honey(optional)
1 cup dashi stock
2 tsp katakuriko (potato starch), dissolved in 1 Tbsp water

First prepare eggplant, cut in half the long way, score lightly on the inside with a knife diagonally. Optional-peel skin to create stripes
Using a large saute pan on medium heat, cook the eggplant until heated through 4-6 minutes, flipping halfway through.
While eggplant is cooking, mix the miso, mirin, honey, and dashi stock.
Once the eggplant appears cooked through, add the miso dashi mixture to the pan and lower heat and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Once time is almost up, add in the katakuriko slurry and quickly stir to avoid clumping. The sauce should thicken up quickly.
Garnish with shiso and serve!

2. Mentsuyu

3. Japanese Style Pasta with Shiso
:::: Ingredients::::
1/2 lb spaghetti
10-15 shiso leaves, sliced
1-2 large tomatoes, diced

For the Sauce
3-4 cloves garlic, crushed
2-3 Tbsp sesame seeds, toasted and ground
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 C mentsuyu

Cook spaghetti in salted water until just before al dente.
Strain and set aside.
While spaghetti is cooking prepare other ingredients and sauce-
Using a small sauce pan combine the garlic and olive oil and cook until garlic is slightly brown. Add in mentsuyu and allow to simmer and reduce slightly. * If you prefer a less of a runny sauce, reduce further or use concentrated mentsuyu.
Toast sesame seeds and then grind and set aside.
Slice shiso leaves and coarsely dice tomatoes.
Once spaghetti is ready, strain and then return to the empty pot. Add in sauce, tomatoes, sesame seeds, and shiso.
Optional-for additional seasoning, add a few drops of soy sauce

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Learn how to cook Seasonal Japanese food, one recipe and video at a time. Subscribe for new videos posted each Wednesday!


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