I made mizuyokan ( soft sweet bean jelly or paste ) with mikan ( mandarin orange ) juice using the mikan mold made from mikan. The method of making the molds is the same as for the cola bottle gummy. https://youtu.be/6gMff2omf0I Mikan mizu-yokan is refreshing and is recommended for the coming season.
*Recipe* (for 5 small mikan)
1.Remove the stems from 5 cleaned mikan (about 45g each). Keep the stems so that they do not dry out.

Make a mold with mikan
2.Dissolve 105g of gelatin powder in 700ml of hot water.
3.Pour (2) into a container and place the mandarin oranges from (1) face down. Cover and chill in the refrigerator to harden.
4.Take out the jelly from (3), divide it vertically into two equal parts, and take out the mandarin oranges from the inside.I found that cutting with a knife worked better than using a teflon.
5.Put the jelly of (4) back into the container and refrigerate.

Make mikan mizu-yokan.
6.Squeeze the mandarin oranges from (4) and extract the juice.Add 100% orange juice to make a total of 200 ml.
7.Put 265g of white bean paste and 65g of water in a small pan and heat.Warm to body temperature while stirring to dissolve the white bean paste, and remove from the heat.
8.Put the mandarin orange juice from (6), 4g of agar powder and 35g of sugar in a small pan and heat. When it boils, remove it from the heat.
9.Add (7) to (8) while stirring.
10.Cool (9) to about 55°C.
11.Pour (10) into (5).
12.Cool in the refrigerator until it hardens.
13.Take out the mikan mizu-yokan and put the stems of (1) on top.
I was very happy when it was done.But what to do with the jelly used for the mold? I used it to make a new jelly of my favorite flavor, or put it in rice when I cooked it.

#yokan #orange #recipe

みかんから作ったみかんの型で、みかん果汁の水羊羹を作りました。型の作り方はコーラボトルグミと一緒です。https://youtu.be/6gMff2omf0I みかん水羊羹はさっぱりしてるので、これからの季節にオススメです。

*レシピ*(小ぶりのみかん 5個分)
1.キレイに洗った みかん(1個 45g程度)5個のヘタを外す。ヘタは乾かないようにとっておく。

2.お湯 700mlに粉ゼラチン 105gを溶かす。

7.小鍋に白あん 265g、水 65gを入れ火にかける。白あんを混ぜ溶かしながら人肌に温め、火から下ろす。
8.小鍋に(6)のみかん果汁、粉寒天 4g、砂糖 35gを入れ火にかける。沸騰したら火から下ろす。

#みかん #水羊羹 #作り方
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