SKIPPY Peanut Butter Cookies 2-ingredient Recipe 容器のままで超簡単 材料2つ スキッピィ ピーナッツバター クッキー | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

*レシピ*(5センチ弱のクッキー 17枚)
スキッピィ ピーナッツバター クリーミーを使います。他のピーナッツバターを使う場合、ホイップタイプでないものを使ってください。

スキッピィ ピーナッツバターの容器は蓋も含め、340g入りが35g。462g入りは38gです。
5.1個 13gほどに丸め4.5センチほどに広げる。

I baked cookies that can be made in a quick with leftover Skippy peanut butter.
They taste like Skippy peanut butter itself, but the texture is crunchy and crumbly.
You can add powdered sugar if you like. It's quite salty.

*recipe* (17 cookies, just under 5 cm in diameter)
Use Skippy Peanut Butter Creamy. If using another peanut butter, use one that is not the whipped type.

1.Weigh the peanut butter. (In this case, it was 180g.)

2.Bring (1) to room temperature.If it's hard just out of the fridge, transfer it to a heatproof container. Heat in the microwave to soften.

3.Add beaten egg weighing 23% of the weight of the peanut butter and mix.
(41g added.180g x 23% = 41.4g)
Add the same amount of powdered sugar as the eggs if you want it to be as sweet as you like. If you don't add the sugar, you'll get a quite salty taste.

4.If the dough is too soft, put it in the refrigerator to stiffen it up a bit.

5.Roll each one out to about 13g and spread it out to about 4.5cm.

6.Bake in a preheated oven at 180℃ for 20 minutes until the edges are lightly colored.

7.Allow to cool completely.

8.Finished. I love the scent of peanuts while they're baking.

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