suvarnagadde kadle palya|ಸುವರ್ಣಗಡ್ಡೆ ಕಡಲೆ ಗಸ್ಸಿ|Chana gassi|Suvarnagadde palya|Yam Curry | Kotian's Passion

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suvarnagadde kadle palya|ಸುವರ್ಣಗಡ್ಡೆ ಕಡಲೆ ಗಸ್ಸಿ|Chana gassi|Suvarnagadde palya|Yam Curry

suvarnagadde kadle gassi (yam and chickpea) one of the authentic dish from my favorite Udupi Mangalore cuisine. Chickpeas are paired with yam in a spicy coconut curry, which is then seasoned for amazing flavor. This curry with chickpeas and yam is called as kadle suvarnagadde gassi.
Gassi (also spelled as Ghassi or Gashi) is a popular curry from Mangalore, made using fresh ground spices and coconut. The most popular one is Kori Gassi, which is chicken curry. While the spice paste for the curry remains the same, you can make vegetarian versions of the gassi using chickpeas (chana), or black chickpeas (kala chana), mushrooms or breadfruit chunks as the chicken substitute. and it is typically eaten with rice roti or kori rotti or even with neer dosa.

This yam curry (Suvarna gadde Kadle gassi ) has made me walk down the memory lane when my mom used to grow a few fresh vegetables (yam or suvarnagadde is the must) at home backyards. those were the good old days of Mangalore.i always very fond of these traditional Mangalorean recipes .i like to recreate all these amazing delicious recipes .it is truly amazing how a certain dish can bring back so many wonderful memories & evoke a million emotions.

some important tips: I would heavily recommend to roast all the spices before grounding them with coconut. this would enhance the flavor of spices and eliminates the raw smell. the coconut curry should be thick and not watery. if you need more coconut flavor, you are more than welcome to add ½ cup of coconut milk. coconut milk is a must in kori gassi recipe and you can extend this to chana gassi recipe too. Remember tamarind is always added more to any dishes with Suvarna gadde to offset any itchiness.and has to be very careful while removing the outer part which is very hard. Some get the itchy feeling while cutting the vegetable too. The easy option is to apply any cooking oil or dip your hand in tamarind water. It helps you to cut the vegetable without much itch.

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