The Stress and Joy of a Bilingual or Multicultural Home HPC: E69

We truly do live in a melting pot in America and our languages are becoming more diverse every year. Should we embrace or avoid dual language speaking?

Stress coach Sona Lesmeister explains the challenges and benefits of being bilingual and how to smooth things out for children. She's an immigrant from the Czech Republic and chose to raise her 2 boys knowing both languages - learn why and she did it and some stress-reducing strategies if you:

* have adopted from another country
* want to raise bilingual kids through an immersion school
* already have a dual language or multicultural home
* have or will ever encounter English-as-a-second-language speakers -- this is empathy building training for you. :)

We cover reducing stress after an international adoption, the connection between language learning and music/math ability, how to balance two languages in the home, multicultural food issues and how teachers and neighbors can help.

Connect with Sona online here:
The book she references, Raising a Bilingual Child can be found here:

View some more stress mastery interviews here:

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen:

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at

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