Try not to laugh Cats are Smarter than Men! Just for laughs

Hello! This isnt our typical cooking or food video but then again, this video kinda involves food. LOL.

Having lived with both dogs and cats, I noticed that cats have a greater capacity for complex problem-solving than dogs. Im not saying dogs are not smart but they are just not as smart. Haha. Scientists have shown that cerebral cortex of cats is greater and more complex compared to that of dogs. Cerebral cortex is the part of the brain responsible for cognitive information processing. A cat's cerebral cortex contains about twice as many neurons as that of dogs. In fact, cats have more nerve cells in the visual areas of their brain, a part of cerebral cortex, than humans and most other mammals. Still not convinced? Perhaps this video will change your mind. LOL.

This video is just for laughs. No humans were severely hurt in the process - other than a bruised ego :p

Hope you like this video!

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