Whole Candied Sweet Potato まるごと大学芋 | MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

Welcome to another MosoGourmet whole foods series! This "whole sweet potato" is actually the fateful theme that led me to cut my finger badly on a slicer a year ago. (I had to get 4 surgical staples.) This time we tried to do it without the slicer. Even without the slicer, we ended up creating something that's a little more delicious than it is whole...
1. Wash one sweet potato thoroughly (about 500g). We're going to eat it skin and all, so make sure it's completely clean.
2. Wrap it in paper towel, then get it wet.
3. Wrap it with plastic wrap.
4. Heat it in the microwave for 10 minutes at 150w, then turn it over and microwave it for another 10 minutes. (Cooking it for longer at a lower temperature brings out the sweetness!)
5. Slice the skin into 1cm pieces and the rest into 5mm pieces.
6. Fry it in 180°C oil until it just starts to darken. Thoroughly pat the potato dry to remove the oil.
7. Put 16g sugar, 3g soy sauce, 15g water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. (Reduce the mixture slightly. If you prefer, you can boil it for longer)
8. Add it to the sweet potato.
9. All done! Delicious! (not enough caramelize...)


7.鍋に砂糖 16g、醤油 3g、水 15gを入れ、煮詰める。(控えめです。お好みにより増やしてください)

#sweetpotato #candy #大学いも
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