郷土料理って地味だと思ってた…「姿寿司」が一周回って映える上にウマい / With a head and a tail?! Mackerel Sushi #shorts | Tasty Japan



サバ 1尾
塩 大さじ4
酢 魚がひたるくらい
ご飯 300g
A酢 50ml
A塩 6g
A砂糖 25g
Aしょうがすりおろし 10g
A白ごま 適量
生姜の甘酢漬け 適量

① サバを背開きにして骨、内蔵、エラをとりよく洗う。水気をよくきり塩をふり、冷蔵庫で1日置く。

② ①のサバを冷水に30分浸し、水気をよくふいたらサバに浸るくらい酢をかけ半日おく。

③ ご飯にAを入れすし飯を作る。

④ ②のサバの小骨を取り除き、薄皮を頭の方から丁寧にはぐ。

⑤ ④のサバに③のすし飯をつめ、ラップで形を整える。

⑥ ⑤の身を切り分け、器に盛る。頭と尾を飾り、生姜の甘酢漬けを添えたら、完成!


With a head and a tail?! Mackerel Sushi
Servings: 2

1 mackerel
4 tablespoons salt
Some vineger
300g steamed rice
50ml vineger
6g salt
25g sugar
10g grated ginger
Some white sesame seeds
Some sweet ginger pickles

1. Fillet a mackerel from the back, then gut and clean. Dry gently with a towel.
Season with salt. Rest for a day in the refrigerator.

2. Leave the mackerel (1) in cold water for 30 minutes. Dry gently with a towel. Place
the fish in a pan and add vineger just to cover it. Rest for a half day.

3. Mix all A ingredients in a bowl. Mix with rice to make sushi rice.

4. Remove bones from the fish (2), then remove the fish skin as well.

5. Put sushi rice into the fish (4). With food wrap, try to shape the sushi.

6. Slice the mackerel sushi (5) and place them on a plate. Decorate with the
mackerel head and the tail. Serve with sweet ginger pickles on the side.

7. Enjoy!



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