How To Fix Your Grain Digestion Problems

How To Fix Your Grain Digestion Problems

Grains, starchy vegetables, and spices cause a lot of problems for those with digestive, autoimmune, and skin problems. I've avoided them entirely f...

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Improving Bean Digestion Via Lectin Removal

Improving Bean Digestion Via Lectin Removal

In this video I talk about my experiments to remove the lectins and other antinutrients from beans and other legumes, and how that effects bean digest...

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How I Beat My Nut Allergies

How I Beat My Nut Allergies

Peanuts got you down? For many years I've had predictable skin and digestive system problems crop up whenever I've consumed nuts and seeds. Rashes, i...

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How To Remove Lectins From Your Food (Improve Autoimmune, Colitis)

How To Remove Lectins From Your Food (Improve Autoimmune, Colitis)

There's an increasing body of evidence pointing out that some people suffer horrible digestive and autoimmune issues because their body has trouble de...

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Lectins Can Cause Colitis, Crohn

Lectins Can Cause Colitis, Crohn's, And Autoimmune Skin Conditions In Some People

Lectins - fine for most, but life destroying for some? The removal of most of these glycoproteins from my diet ended the reign of the horrible autoim...

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