Crunchy Baked Coated Peanuts (鱼皮花生)

Peanuts with a crunchy, sweet and salty outer shell, this baked snack is super delicious, healthy and addictive. This recipe is super easy is to make and only requires seven ingredients!

- 1 cup raw peanuts 一杯花生
- 5 tbsp. sugar 五大勺糖
- glutinous rice flour 糯米粉
- 1 tsp. corn starch 一茶勺淀粉
- 2 tsp. salt 两茶勺盐
- 1-2 drops dark soy sauce 一到两滴老抽
- water 水

1. first step is to make the viscous glutinous rice flour coating.
2. dissolve the sugar in the water
3. mix 1.5 tbsp of glutinous rice flour with 3 tbsp of water
4. boil the sugar water
5. once it comes to a boil, pour in the water with glutinous rice flour mixed in and immediately turn off the heat!
6. stir until evenly mixed and the glutinous rice flour is ~90% cooked
7. cover the peanuts in the glutinous rice flour coating before dumping into a tray/pan filled with glutinous rice flour
8. because the glutinous rice flour coating is sticky, the glutinous rice flour in the pan should stick onto the peanuts
9. when evenly coated in flour, remove peanuts from tray/pan
10. repeat steps 7-9 for second layer
11. pour peanuts onto baking tray separate individual peanuts if necessary
12. bake at 350 F for 25-30 minutes
13. meanwhile, prepare the color and flavor coating
14. combine 3.8 cups water, 2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. corn starch, and 1-2 drops of dark soy sauce
15. bring a boil (it should become more viscous) and turn off the heat
16. pour the baked peanuts into the color and flavor coating and mix evenly
17. bake again using the residual heat from the oven until the peanuts turn out crunchy
18. serve and enjoy!
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