Roland cooked this sesame seed oil chicken or better known as in Chinese for dinner last night along with the Super Spicy Chilli Chicken for our friends who came over for a game of mahjong.

This dish is one of my favourite comfort food. Usually Chinese women in confinement will be fed with this because sesame seed oil is heaty - very suitable for them as their body just went through childbirth. Fret not, you can eat this anytime, whether or not you are in confinement :)

As you can see, Roland cooked 'freely'. His ingredient portions were mostly using his own estimation. Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home.

Please see below for the list of ingredients we used. You can also go to http://wp.me/p8NIeJ-4R and bookmark it for future reference.

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Sesame Oil Chicken


700g - 1kg Spring Chicken or Chicken parts of your desire
3 thumb size ginger - smashed
1 thumb size ginger - grated
3 or 4 cloves of garlic - chopped
2 cans of mushrooms
Canned mushroom brine
200ml chicken stock
2 tablespoon sesame seed oil (first round)
1 teaspoon sesame seed oil (finishing touch)
2 capful of Shaoxing huatiao wine
2 tablespoons Rice wine
1 tablespoon Dark soy sauce (or to your desire)
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon of Sugar
2 tablespoons Oyster sauce
Cornstarch solution to thicken broth
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