Japanese cooking challenge | yudoufu (tofu hotpot) and matcha okara cookies

Homemade tofu simmered in konbu broth for yudoufu, our okara miso marinated asparagus and matcha okara cookies!

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In case you missed the first two episodes, this is the last day of the soy milk tofu Japanese cooking challenge.

The first day we made our base ingredients - soy milk, okara, and tofu. These 3 soy products are more versatile than you might think.

The second day we made a tofu salad, asparagus seasoned with mirin, okara and miso paste and yudoufu (tofu skin) rice bowl with an sauce (ankake) which is made with soy sauce, mirin, sake, and dashi

Today, day three is where we make yudoufu with some cabbage, several dipping sauces, and a tasty dessert made with okara (soy bean pulp) and matcha green tea powder - matcha cookies!

All the dishes we made during this challenge used the base ingredients of soy beans and water!

If you're the type of person trying to eat healthier, plant-based or sustainably have you considered tofu? It's one of many vegans and vegetarians favorite foods!

Packed with protein, vitamins and minerals tofu is one of the few plant based foods that includes all essential amino acids.
Plus it's over 2000 years old.

Tofu is an ancient food and given it's age, that should speak for itself why you should at least give it a try if you haven't already!

And don't stop with just tofu, there's many things you can do with the soy milk we made as well as the pulp left over from pressing the milk - also known as okara.

All of which are delicious and healthy in their own soy way.
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