Japanese Mixed Rice with Clams | Umami Insider

Learn how to make Japanese mixed rice with clams with Umami Insider's easy video.

Recipe by Chef Kaku (Wasan Brooklyn: http://wasan-ny.com/ )

1 cup Rice
1 oz Shiitake Mushroom, sliced
1/2 oz Eryngii Mushroom, sliced
4 oz Clam
2 Tbsp Mitsuba, chopped (Optional)

Soup Stock
1 cup Dashi Broth *1
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce (Preferably Usukuchi) *2
1 Tbsp Sake
1/2 Tbsp Mirin *3

! This recipe needs 24 hour prepping !
How to remove sand from clams before cooking:
- First, wash clams with tap water and drain. In a shallow container, spread clams and add 4 cups water and 3 Tbsp salt. Let it sit in a refrigerator for about 24 hours.

After 24 hours...
- Wash rice, drain, and let sit for 10 minutes.
- Mix Soup Stock ingredients.
- In a pot, combine rice and soup stock. Add whole shiitake and eryngii mushrooms on top.
- Bring to boil over high heat without lid, stirring occasionally.
- Once boiled, reduce the heat to low and cook 10 more minutes with the lid on.
- Add the clams and cook on low heat for about 1 minute. Turn off the heat and let it simmer for an additional 10 minutes, or until clams' shells open up.
- Mix well and add mitsuba to taste.

Stock media provided by MUZik/ envatomarket
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