Mitarashi Dango | Umami Insider

- 2/3 cup Shiratama Powder
- 1/3 cup Water
- 4 Bamboo Sticks
- Plenty of Water, for boiling mochi

- 2 Tbsp Soy Sauce
- 2 Tbsp Mirin
- 4 Tbsp Sugar
- 2 Tbsp Katakuri Powder
- ½ cup Water

1. Boil a lot of water.
2. Add shiratama powder in a bowl, and mix, gradually adding water.
3. Once it’s as soft as an earlobe, make 16 balls.
4. Add the mochi into the boiling water and cook for about 3 minutes.
5. When the mochi balls start to float, remove from hot water and place them in cold water.
6. Drain the water, and stick onto bamboo sticks (4 balls per stick)
7. Carefully place mochi sticks in a toaster and toast them until slightly burnt on top.
8. Mix together the ingredients of the syrup in a small pot.
9. Heat over low heat until syrup is thick. Pour on top of mochi balls.
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