Natto with Avocado - Cooking Japanese

A popular Japanese breakfast item has long been natto. Natto is made from fermented soybeans and is a nutrient rich dish. It can be an acquired taste with it's strong smell and slimy texture. But it is a favorite among many in Japan and a must try for anyone with a sense of adventure!

The typical way to eat natto is with soy sauce, green onion, and perhaps a bit of karashi mustard. In this recipe we pair natto with avocado for a wonderful mix of flavors and texture. It is a good way to try natto for the first time as the avocado mellows the otherwise strong taste of the natto.

You can purchase natto at most Japanese or asian grocery stores in the frozen section. They come in single serving containers and usually in a pack of four or more.

I hope you have a good time learning how to cook Japanese natto with avocado at home. Please be sure to let us know how you like it.

And as always, I hope you enjoy Cooking Japanese!

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Cutting Board: Jeremy Vessels
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