Stir-fry Garlic Scapes | The Chinese Cuisine

This stir-fry with garlic stems is easy and delicious!

INGREDIENTS (serves 4):
- 1 cup chopped garlic scapes
- 1 cup soaked wood ear mushrooms
- 1 chicken breast, cut into strips (we used 1 chicken thigh)
- 2 eggs, whisked
- light soy sauce
- dark soy sauce
- cooking wine
- 1 tsp. corn starch
- salt
- olive oil

1. garlic scapes should be chopped roughly into 1 inch pieces
2. add 1 tbsp. salt to boiling water (to keep garlic scapes green)
3. boil garlic scapes, remove from water when it reboils
4. boil wood ear mushrooms, remove from water when it reboils
5. add a bit of cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, corn starch, and whisked egg to sliced chicken breast
6. add olive oil to pan on low-med heat
7. scramble eggs and remove
8. add more oil and cook chicken
9. add in boiled garlic scapes and wood ear mushrooms
10. add in eggs
11. add in a bit more salt for taste
12. serve and enjoy!
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