Beef and Gobo Stir Fry (Shigureni 時雨煮) | all day i eat like a shark

Beef and Gobo Shigureni (時雨煮) is a savory stir fry with prominent flavors of beef, soy, ginger and of course earthy gobo!

This is a spin on dish originally made with ginger and clam. But there is no clam or seafood here! This is beef and gobo at their finest! Cooked in a bath of sake, soy sauce, and mirin. Are you drooling yet?!

As you may know, the latter three ingredients make up a magic trio that is used for many Japanese dishes. This stir fry is a good example of that and provides a great excuse to eat some meat and gobo that smells and tastes absolutely amazing!!

200 grams sliced beef
1 piece gobo 2 cups worth, skin scraped and chopped
1 tablespoon Ginger chopped
olive oil

100 ml sake
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons mirin
1 tablespoon sugar

Using medium high heat, add at least a tablespoon of olive oil to a hot pan and saute the gobo for a minute or so.
Add in the beef and ginger and mix, cook for a minute.
Add in the sauce ingredients and mix to evenly coat. Cook 4-5 minutes until most of the liquid has evaporated and the meat begins to crisp.
Once meat has begun to crisp, remove from heat and serve with rice!

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