Chocolate Flavored Chinese Cornbread-Wo Wo Tou (巧克力味窝窝头) | The Chinese Cuisine

You only need five ingredients to make this steamed Chinese cornbread, also known as wo wo tou. We added cacao powder for some chocolate flavor (which is not traditional, but delicious). If you want you can omit the cacao powder. Read more about wotou here:

NGREDIENTS (6 wotou):
- 1 cup cornmeal
- 1/2 tbsp. Cacao powder (optional, if you want plain wotou)
- 1 tbsp. Sugar
- 1/4 tsp. Baking powder
- 2/3 cup milk

1. mix together dry ingredients
2. add in milk and mix well
3. form into a cone shape and use your pinky finger to hollow it out.
4. steam for 15 minutes
5. serve and enjoy!

INSTAGRAM: @thechinesecooks
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