Colorful Vegetable and Pork Curry | Umami Insider

- ½ lb Ground Pork
- ¼ Kabocha Squash
- 1 Zucchini
- ½ Red Pepper
- 8 Okra
- ½ Onion
- 1 Yellow Potato
- ½ box Curry Roux
- 2 ½ cup Water
- 1 Bay Leaf
- ½ Tbsp Oyster Sauce
- 1 Tbsp Olive Oil
- Cooked Rice, for serving

1. Slice kabocha squash and zucchinis into ½ inch widths. Cut the red pepper into strips. Cut half of the pumpkins into smaller pieces.
2. Quickly boil the okra in salt water, and cool them in ice water.
3. Slice the onions, cut the potato into small pieces, and cut 4 of the okra into half.
4. Heat olive oil in a large pot, cook the meat and the vegetables. (Leave some of each vegetables for the toppings)
5. Add water, and add the okra cut in halves. Cook until ingredients are tender.
6. Stop the heat, and melt in the curry roux. Turn on the heat again to cook for a little longer, and add the oyster sauce.
7. Place the vegetables kept for topping except for Okra on a frying pan or on a grill. Cook until tender and charred (You can grill okra as well though okra can be eaten raw).
8. Serve the curry with grilled vegetables and rice, enjoy!
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