Cream Filled Bread Cones (奶油面包卷) | The Chinese Cuisine

These soft and fluffy bread cones made with coconut milk are filled with cool, sweet whipped cream.

INGREDIENTS (makes 8 cream filled bread cones BUT we only use half of the dough here!):
- 700g all-purpose flour
- 80g sugar
- 10g yeast
- 425 ml warm coconut milk (canned)
- 1/2 tbsp. ghee
- 2 eggs
- 100 ml heavy cream

MATERIALS: aluminum foil

1. combine yeast, 50g sugar, warm coconut milk, ghee, and over half of the whisked egg (save some as egg wash). mix well
2. gradually add in flour and mix until it forms a ball of dough
3. let the dough rest until it rises to 2-3x its original size
4. knead the dough and divide into half. we use half of the dough to make these bread cones; the other half we use to make xi bing (another video).
5. divide one of the halves into eight long pieces, then roll into long rope-like piece
6. make a cone with aluminum foil as shown
7. wrap each piece of dough around aluminum foil cone
8. brush with two layers of egg wash; wait for first layer to dry before brushing on second layer
9. bake at 350 ºF for 20 minutes
10. meanwhile whip heavy cream with sugar
11. fill the bread cones with whipped cream (make sure the bread cones are no longer hot)
12. serve and enjoy!
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