Hot & Spicy Stir-Fried Shredded Potatoes (家常麻辣土豆丝) | The Chinese Cuisine

The best thing about this dish is the thin and crispy shredded potatoes! You can also make the dish as hot or as mild as you like (ours is pretty mild).

- 2 red potatoes
- poblano and sweet peppers
-1 stalk green onion
- sichuan peppercorn
- cayenne pepper
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 30 ml olive oil
- 5 ml rice vinegar

1. slice peppers, peel and slice potatoes into thin strips
2. rinse the potatoes in water to remove starch
3. add oil to pan on med-hi heat
4. add in sichuan peppercorn, green onions, and cayenne pepper. after their flavors are infused in the oil, remove from the pan
5. add in shredded potatoes and stir-fry
6. add in sliced peppers, salt and rice vinegar
7. serve and enjoy!

MUSIC: All The Tea In China by Shane Ivers -
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