Mild Chinese Hot Oil (麻辣红油) | The Chinese Cuisine

This is a versatile hot oil that can spice up any dish. You can adjust the ingredients to make it as spicy as you'd like!

INGREDIENTS (1/3 cup):
- 1/4 cup olive oil 橄榄油
- 2g sichuan peppercorn 花椒
- 2 dried chili 干辣椒
- 1 stalk green onion, chopped 葱
- 1 clove garlic, chopped 蒜
- 8 slices ginger 姜
- 1 tbsp./8 g paprika 红椒粉
- roasted white sesame seeds 熟芝麻

1. add oil to pan on medium heat
2. add in ginger, garlic, green onions and shallow fry in oil until all the flavors are infused in the oil, then remove
3. break up dried chilis and add into oil; remove from after ~30 seconds
4. pour hot oil into bowl with paprika (be careful, try not to use glassware, etc.)
5. stir in roasted white sesame seeds
6. serve with your favorite dish and enjoy!

1. 热锅凉油
2. 加入姜、蒜、葱。炸干后捞出
3. 炸香干辣椒。炸干后捞出
4. 把热油到红椒粉上 (小心溅油,用合适的容器)
5. 加入炒熟的芝麻

Song: "Doug Maxwell - Lau Tzu Ehru"
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