Mizu Yokan | Umami Insider

- 1 cup Water
- 1 tsp Kanten Powder (https://umami-insider.store/products/kanten-powder)
- 1.5 cup Red Bean Paste (Koshi An) (https://umami-insider.store/products/anko-koshian)
- Pinch of Salt
- 2 Tbsp Sugar

1. Add water and powdered kanten into a pot and heat. Once it starts boiling, turn the heat down to low and keep mixing for about 2 minutes. Stop the heat.
2. Add red bean paste, sugar, and salt and mix well.
3. Turn the heat on medium heat, and once it boils, remove from heat and place the pot in ice cold water. Mix until it slightly thickens and cools.
4. Wet the inside of the container and slowly pour in mixture.
5. Cool it in the fridge for about 3 hours until it hardens.
6. Remove from container and cut into desired pieces.

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