Refreshing Buckwheat Noodles (荞麦凉面) | The Chinese Cuisine

These refreshing buckwheat (or soba) noodles coated with sesame seasoning taste delicious with egg strips, cucumber strips, and crispy apple strips!

INGREDIENTS (2-4 servings):
- 320g buckwheat noodles (for 4 servings)
- 3 eggs
- 3 cucumbers
- 1/4 an apple
- 15-20 ml oil
- chopped green onions
- 20 ml chinkiang vinegar
- 7g sugar
- 18 ml soy sauce
- star anise
- sichuan peppercorns
- 1/2 tbsp. roasted sesame seeds

1. combine green onions and eggs and whisk
2. cook the egg in thin layers.
3. slice the layers into strips
4. slice cucumber and apple into strips as shown; soak apple strips in water to prevent browning
5. combine sugar, soy sauce, and vinegar
6. shallow fry star anise and sichuan pepper then remove once flavors have been infused in the oil
7. cook sesame seeds in oil
8. boil noodles
9. place in pan with sesame oil
10. pour in soy sauce, vinegar and sugar mixture
11. add in cucumber and egg strips
12. mix well
13. top with apple strips
14. serve and enjoy!
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