Sautéed Black Pepper Chicken with Vegetables | The Chinese Cuisine

Healthy and easy dish to make!

- zucchini
- sweet peppers
- common mushrooms
- white beech mushrooms
- onion
- sliced chicken breasts
- cooking wine
- light soy sauce
- dark soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- one egg
- cooking oil
- salt and pepper

1. slice chicken breasts into strips
2. douse chicken in cooking wine, light soy sauce, and mix around
3. add in dark soy sauce and coat chicken evenly
4. add in cornstarch, which should coat the chicken evenly as well
5. whisk an egg and add a little bit in the chicken, enough to coat evenly
6. slice up your vegetables
7. add olive oil or cooking oil to a pan on medium heat
8. when the oil is hot add in chicken and saute around, splitting up the clumps
9. add in onions and mushrooms and zucchini after 1-2 minutes and saute along with chicken
10. then, add in white beech mushrooms
11. cook until the water evaporates from the veggies but still have color
12. lastly, add in the colorful peppers once everything else is cooked
13. add a dash of salt and pepper
14. saute everything for several ~2 more minutes
15. serve and enjoy!

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