Shredded Pork with Sweet Bean Sauce (京酱肉丝) | The Chinese Cuisine

This is a classic Beijing dish. The sauce has a distinctive flavor and is delicious!

INGREDIENTS (4 servings):
- 1/2 lb. lean pork loin
- 2-3 tbsp sweet bean sauce (sweet flour sauce)
- whisked egg
- green onions (preferably the white parts near the root)
- ginger
- cooking wine
- cornstarch
- sugar
- salt
- water
- olive oil

1. slice your pork into strips
2. add in cooking wine and salt. mix. then add in cornstarch and a whisked egg. mix well.
3. slice your green onions into thin strips. arrange on plate
4. slice a little bit of ginger
5. soak ginger and bit of green onion in water
6. after several minutes, take the ginger and green onion out of the water and add in sugar, salt, and cooking wine
7. add olive to a pan on medium-high heat
8. cook pork until it is about 8/10 of the way cooked. take it off the heat
9. cook the sweet bean sauce in the leftover oil
10. pour in the ginger/green onion infused water and cook until most of it evaporates. keep moving the sauce around so it doesn't scorch!
11. when it begins bubbling, add in chicken and cook for several more minutes
12. serve with green onions and enjoy!
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