Shrimp & Egg Shumai (鸡蛋虾仁青菜烧卖) | The Chinese Cuisine

Shumai are Chinese dumplings traditionally served as dim sum. The pairing of shrimp and egg is delicious, and this recipe packs in plenty of vegetables as well.The filling is not dry or leaky or watery, yet is still super flavorful.

INGREDIENTS (makes 32):
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- hot water
- 20 thawed small shrimp
- 4 eggs
- 8 leaves napa cabbage
- 8 pieces of bok choy
- green onions
- sesame oil
- oyster sauce
- white pepper powder
- salt
- cooking wine
- ginger
- olive oil
dipping sauce:
- chinkiang vinegar
- sesame oil

1. combine the flour with the hot water (70 degrees Celsius)
2. mix well until clump form, then slowly form into a dough
3. set dough aside and work on filling
4. chop napa cabbage and bok choy until fine and form a mushy-like texture
5. sprinkle on some salt to 'pickle' the vegetables briefly (the salt sucks out water)
6. meanwhile, crack four eggs
7. add in several drops of juice from a piece of ginger by grating it
8. add in oyster sauce, salt, cooking wine and give it a good whisk
9. add olive oil to a pan on medium heat and scramble the eggs
10. add in chopped green onions to the eggs
11. chop up your shrimp into a similar texture to the vegetables
12. squeeze out excess water from chopped vegetables (important so your filling isn't watery) and add it to the shrimp. add in a bit more salt, sesame oil, and white pepper powder for flavor
13. chop up your cooked eggs into tiny pieces and mix it in with the shrimp and veggies.
14. divide your dough into 4 sections, and each section into 8 pieces
15. knead each individual piece until it is circular
16. roll out each piece until it becomes a wrapper. there are two methods to make the edges ruffled
17. place an appropriate amount of filling into each wrapper and wrap as shown
18. place shumai on parchment paper inside a steamer
19. place steamer on water beginning to boil. when steam begins to rise from the steamer, wait 10 more minutes
20. serve and enjoy!
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