Steamed Ribs with Glutinous Rice (糯米排骨) | The Chinese Cuisine

The delicious flavors of this dish are infused into the rice and the meat, and it is very easy to make!

- 400g pork ribs
- 10g ginger strips
- 1 stalk green onion
- 1-2 star anise pods
- 200g glutinous rice
- 15g sweet flour sauce
- 10g sugar
- 25g light soy sauce + 5g dark soy sauce

1. add ginger, green onions, sweet flour sauce, sugar, and soy sauce to pork ribs
2. marinate for 5 hours
3. soak glutinous rice in water for 6 hours
4. after soaking, coat the ribs in rice
5. put ribs in a plate to steam for 1 hour
6. serve and enjoy!

Song: "Doug Maxwell - Lau Tzu Ehru"
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