Hot and Spicy Squid (麻辣鱿鱼) | The Chinese Cuisine

These homemade squid "flowers" pair perfectly with spicy broad bean sauce and numbing sichuan peppercorns!

- 3 squid
- 30g sweet peppers, chopped
- 1 tsp. chili broad bean sauce
- 3g sichuan peppercorns
- 8ml cooking wine
- 20ml oil
- 1/2 tsp./2g salt
- 8g sugar

1. slice squid into "flowers" as shown in video
2. drop the pieces of squid into boiling hot water and take out quickly once curled
3. add oil to pan on med-hi heat
4. add in sichuan peppercorns
5. remove peppercorns once the flavors are infused in the oil
6. add in chili broad bean sauce and squid and stir-fry
7. add in sweet peppers and stir-fry
8. add in sugar, cooking wine, and salt
9. serve and enjoy!

• Title: 綠野仙蹤
• Played by: 陳悅
The type of bamboo flute is called: "Xiao" (簫).
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