Sakura Cherry Blossom Mochi

- 1/3 cup Flour
- 2 Tbsp Shiratama Powder
- 2 Tbsp Sugar
- 1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp Water
- 6 Pickled Cherry Leaves
- Drops of Red Food Color
- Plenty of Red Bean Paste (Koshian)

1. In a medium bowl, soak cherry leaves for about 10 minutes to remove salt.
2. Pat dry cherry leaves and set them aside.
3. Add shiratama powder in a medium bowl. Add 1 Tbsp (or a bit more) of water and start mixing with an electric mixer.
4. Once smooth, add sugar and the rest of water. Mix well.
5. Sift in flour. Mix well.
6. Add 1 or 2 drops of red food color (color should be milky pink).
7. Spray oil (or use oil-soaked paper towel) on large non-stick pan and heat over low heat.
8. Place about 1-2 tablespoon of mochi batter in the pan and spread it out with the spoon, trying to make a rectangular shape, about 3x5 large.
9. Once it starts to bubble and the color of the batter changes to darker pink, flip. Cook for 10 seconds and remove from the pan. Repeat 5 times.
10. Scoop 2-3 Tablespoons of red bean paste and roll with your hands to make rectangular rounds shape.
11. Place the red bean paste in the middle of the mochi. Fold in each side to wrap the paste.
12. Roll mochi with cherry blossom leaf and enjoy!
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